全球学生商业挑战赛 决赛通告
2017-2018 中国赛区
- 入围团队将收到全球学生商业挑战赛组委会的正式通知邮件,请参赛选手及时检查竞赛注册邮箱,避免错过重要信息。
- 中国赛区决赛比赛形式为线上比赛,入围团队需要在限定时间内完成3轮线上比赛。
- 各团队最终总成绩根据加权方式计算,并根据总成绩高低进行排名。
- 在中国赛区决赛结束后,冠军队将需要准备材料并申请赴荷兰参赛的护照、签证,由于准备时间有限,强烈建议晋级中国赛区决赛的团队中还没有护照的选手开始申请护照。
Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA)
Argentina, Team Cobaales"For me and my team the Global Final was an extraordinary week. It was amazing to be there in an incredible country, as The Netherlands, getting to meet people from all over the world and sharing all kinds of new experiences. Thank you, not only for giving us the chance to compete and improve our knowledge, but also for creating an intercultural atmosphere in which we could spend time with different people, making new networks and having a wonderful time. This is the kind of experience that will live in our memories forever, and we hope that you continue doing this, because it nourishes people's life in every sense."
National School of Applied Sciences (ENSA) Agadir
Morocco, Team ENSA-MRHM"The Global Student Challenge was an amazing experience. The competition was very challenging but we were able to learn a lot of things. During our journey, we met people from different countries with different nationalities and religions but we all share the same opinion about this experience. That this week couldn't be that wonderful without the organizers who spent all of their time and energy to satisfy everyone."
Indian Institute of Technology, BHU
India, Team SCManga"It's a great feeling to be part of such a multicultural event where we participated with teams from 19 different countries. The learning and networking in such a multicultural and diverse environment are phenomenal. The experience of the visiting to Rotterdam where we saw one of the most technologically advanced logistic port was fantabulous. We as students want to experience different things and Global Student Challenge teaches us the intricacies of the financial supply chain in a volatile market and this learning will definitely be helping us in life."
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